Today – Daniel Fast – Bring enough for guests. Bring fruits and veggies washed, cut and ready to serve.
Next Week –.General Potluck– Bring enough for guests. Followed by singing, a reading and discussion to share the Sabbath hours.
Prayer/Study Hour – Next week 7:00 – 8:15 at the Scuka’s Office. We are continuing in the book Great Controversary. Join in person or by zoom. If you have not given your email address, please give it to Marleen to add to the group. (Office address – 881 Hwy 33 E)
When the benediction is pronounced, all should still be quiet, as if fearful of losing the peace of Christ. Let all pass out without jostling or loud talking, feeling that they are in the presence of God, that His eye is resting upon them, and that they must act as in His visible presence. Let there be no stopping in the aisles to visit or gossip… 5T 493.2
New Website – Check it out with playlist, weekly bulletins, and more –
Much Appreciation for the two additional teams for helping in cleaning the church – Nadine/Crystal and Jan/Richard. Thanks to Richard S. for fixing the closure of the front door and men’s bathroom door. We are also grateful to Cliff for providing outside motion lights at the entrances of the church. Halina, thank you for the beautiful display of harvest for Thanksgiving weekend!
Daylight Savings Time Ends – Remember to set your clocks back one hour tonight.
Vespers – 5:00 PM – Silver Tip Pathfinder Induction — We invite everyone to stay after the service for light refreshments and games with the Pathfinders in the Fellowship Hall.
Prayer over the City – Join us on November 3 at 7:30 am at the Dilworth Lookout, 2100 Chilcotin Crescent (west side of Dilworth Mountain). Parking is available, and the level path to the lookout should be safe, even if it snows. See you there!
Christmas Wreaths and Live Plant Decorations – Support the Silver Tip Pathfinders by ordering with us! You can 0rder directly from our website Deadline is Nov.14, pick up date Nov.28 at the clubhouse.
Call 250-487-8963.
ABC Van Delivery will be coming to Kelowna! Get your orders in before the deadline of Oct 31st @ 5PM, and pick up your items from Okanagan Christian School from 1-1:30Pm on Tuesday, Nov 5!
OCS Mission Trip Fundraiser – Order Purdys chocolates and help us earn up to 25% profit! Order by November 29; pick up on December 13. Visit and use customer number 24973. Contact Cherri Gerber at 250-860-5305 or [email protected] for details.
Sabbath School Initiative – Weekly Themes
Starts 9:30 each Sabbath followed by the Lesson Study from the book of John.
1st Sabbath – Prayer and Fasting and Health
2nd Sabbath – Focus on the Family
3rd Sabbath – Missions
4th Sabbath – Stewardship
At Home – Ruth Abbott, Marion Lakusta, Faye Banman, John & Mary Reitor, Merle Serhan
MISSION VILLAS – Barbara Willinger
MISSION CREEK LANDING – Jean Shewchuk, Elsie Kwirim
SUN POINTE – Cleon Wagner, Nancy McDonough, John/Margaret Boardman, Zita Schmidt, Claire Jones
GLENMORE LODGE– Thelma Johnson
CHURCH BOARD MEMBERS 4180 June Springs Road V1W 4C9
Intern Pastor Leonardo Barboza ([email protected]) (647) 501-0850
Head Elder Dan Scuka (250) 469-0146
Church Clerk Rachel Brod (250) 833-2104
Head Deacon Cliff Brod (250) 308-9934
Head Deaconess Halina Scuka (250) 469-0148
Personal Ministries and Health and District Committee Rep:
Marleen Wirtz (250) 540-4495
SS Superintendent and School Board rep:
Schilda Johnson (226) 201-1238
Treasurer Andrew Bikichky (250) 869-7180
Additional Member Lennox Johnson (226) 201-1238