7-Holy Spirit Series – To Be One In Him

November 28, 2020

The video 7 is a sermon given at Wildwood Church about the Holy Spirit. The speaker begins with a prayer and quotes from a manuscript about the importance of the Holy Spirit. He mentions that the series he is discussing is based on sermons from the General Conference in 1893. He then focuses on the book of John, specifically chapters 14, 15, and 16.

In John 14, Jesus speaks about going away and returning, and he promises to send another Comforter or Advocate. The speaker explains that the Greek word for Comforter also means Advocate, and it refers to someone who actively assists and lifts us up. The Holy Spirit is described as an Advocate who intercedes for us and stands next to us, while the accuser stands next to us accusing us of our sins.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of keeping God’s commandments and meditating on the Holy Spirit every day. He mentions that the Holy Spirit brings joy, peace, love, and other fruits into our lives. He also discusses the role of the Holy Spirit in convicting the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment.

The speaker urges listeners to seek the Holy Spirit and to separate themselves from the world. He warns that the world will hate and persecute believers, but they should not be discouraged because the Holy Spirit will guide and empower them. He emphasizes the need to manifest Christ’s life through our actions and to bear witness to His righteousness.

The speaker concludes by discussing the importance of praying for God’s promises and having confidence in His word. He emphasizes that believers should be united through the power of the Holy Spirit and that their lives should reflect the fruits of the Spirit. He encourages listeners to have an active relationship with God and to seek discernment through the Holy Spirit.

Overall, the sermon highlights the role of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers and emphasizes the need for a personal relationship with God through prayer, obedience, and reliance on the Holy Spirit.