The speaker starts by asking the Lord’s spirit to descend upon the church and guide them. He then mentions that there seems to be a relaxed standard in the church, which is not what he expected. He reads from Proverbs 7:1-3, emphasizing the importance of keeping God’s commands and laws in one’s heart. He talks about the separation between the word of God and the truth and knowledge of God, and how our relationship with Christ is built on trust and love contained in the word. He references Deuteronomy 6:5-9, which emphasizes the love for God and teaching His commandments diligently to our children. The speaker talks about the importance of little things in discipline and character building, quoting Luke 16:10. He mentions the health principles given by God to prepare people for His coming and how they affect both mind and body. He states that the health principles are not just about the health message but about standards in general. The speaker talks about the importance of following God’s truth and not conforming to the world, mentioning Matthew 23:15 and Romans 12:2. He emphasizes the need to set a standard and live according to God’s truth, even if it means separating from worldly practices. The speaker talks about the struggles of God’s people throughout history and how we should learn from their mistakes. He mentions the vision of two ways, the narrow road leading to life and the broad road leading to destruction. He emphasizes the need to be ready for Christ’s coming and to live according to God’s truth. The speaker talks about the influence of worldly practices on the church and the need for a distinction between Christians and the world. He mentions the importance of love and following God’s word in our daily lives. The speaker addresses the issue of dress reform and how it is related to living according to God’s truth and setting a standard. He quotes many Bible verses that emphasize the need for obedience and following God’s truth. The speaker talks about the danger of conforming to worldly standards and the importance of simplicity and purity in the church. He emphasizes the need to sacrifice worldly things and not put stumbling blocks in the way of fellow believers. The speaker mentions the importance of obedience and the need for discipline in our spiritual lives. He concludes by urging the audience to endure chastening and strive for holiness in preparation for Christ’s return.
Wildwood Adventist Church - Kelowna, BC