The video discusses the significance of the Passover feast in relation to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The speaker begins by emphasizing the importance of prayer and thanking God for the opportunity to worship and speak about His word. The Passover feast is one of the seven feasts in the Jewish calendar, and it symbolizes the deliverance from bondage in Egypt. The speaker explains that the sacrifice of the Passover lamb is a foreshadowing of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. Just as the blood of the lamb protected the Israelites from the final plague in Egypt, the blood of Jesus saves believers from sin. The speaker also explores the symbolism of various elements of the Passover feast, such as unleavened bread and bitter herbs. Additionally, the speaker highlights the parallel between the enmity established between Satan and humanity in the Garden of Eden and the enmity established through Jesus’ sacrifice. The speaker concludes by encouraging viewers to reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus and to appropriate its rich blessings in their lives.
Wildwood Adventist Church - Kelowna, BC