The video discusses the meaning of the third seal and the fourth seal in the book of Revelation. The third seal, represented by a black horse, symbolizes spiritual famine and deception within the church. It is described as a time when the Word of God is suppressed and there is a falling away from the truth. The black horse period starts around 313 AD when persecution against Christians ended and Constantine’s influence began to compromise the church. The fourth seal, represented by a pale horse, represents death and hell. It is associated with the rise of the little horn power, which is described as a power that persecutes and kills God’s people for 1260 years. The video also mentions the connection between the black horse period and the lifting of false day worship, the introduction of idolatry, and the infiltration of deception within the church. The presenter emphasizes the importance of staying true to God’s word and avoiding compromise in order to overcome the challenges of these seals.
Wildwood Adventist Church - Kelowna, BC