This video discusses the topic of the Great Controversy, particularly focusing on Lucifer’s rebellion in heaven. Lucifer questioned God’s authority and accused Him of being unfair, selfish, and unforgiving. He argued that God’s law was defective and arbitrary. Lucifer used deceptive tactics to instill doubt and discontent among the angels, making them question God’s wisdom and love. He presented himself as a better leader and sought to exalt himself above God. Lucifer’s rebellion ultimately led to the expulsion of him and his sympathizers from heaven. God allowed this rebellion to develop in order to reveal Lucifer’s true character and to demonstrate the need for His law and government. Verbal descriptions were not enough to reveal God’s character, so Jesus came to earth to reveal God’s true nature through His life of purity, humility, and sacrifice. Without a correct understanding of God, humans would be deceived by Satan’s lies and lose their divine strength.
Wildwood Adventist Church - Kelowna, BC