Babylon and the Exaltation of Man

November 26, 2022

Series: Single Sermons

Here is a summary of the important parts:

  • The pastor gives a sermon on the topic of Babylon and the exaltation of man. He discusses stories from the Bible that illustrate this theme, such as the Tower of Babel and the story of Nimrod and Semiramis.
  • The pastor highlights the importance of separating from Babylon and its false teachings. He mentions that Adventists should not be influenced by Babylonian universities or churches and should instead rely on God’s Word and the Spirit of Prophecy.
  • The pastor emphasizes the need to follow God’s blueprint for medical missionary work and avoid the use of drugs. He suggests that Adventists have strayed from these principles due to a desire for degrees and acceptance by other denominations.
  • The pastor calls for Adventists to fully separate themselves from Babylon and its worldly influences. He references the end times and the upcoming second coming of Jesus.
  • The pastor concludes with readings from Revelation 18:4 and 22:1-5, which speak about coming out of Babylon and the promise of a new heaven and earth.
  • The congregation sings the hymn “Gleams of the Golden Morning” before the video ends.

Overall, the video focuses on the themes of separating from Babylonian influences, following God’s teachings, and preparing for the second coming of Jesus.