Bible Study Series – 11. Battle at the End – Part 2

February 7, 2024

The video discusses the battle between good and evil, specifically focusing on the role of Babylon in the end times. Babylon is described as a system that rules the world and leads people to worship and follow false gods. It is compared to the Tower of Babel and the wine of Babylon, which represents the intoxicating lies of Satan. The video emphasizes the importance of being sober and vigilant in recognizing the tactics of the enemy. Babylon is also connected to the false prophet and the trifold union of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. The fall of ancient Babylon is compared to its future destruction as described in Revelation 18. The video highlights that the guilt of Babylon is found in the blood of prophets and saints that it has slain. The false gospel of Babylon is contrasted with the true gospel, which includes a change of heart and obedience to God’s commandments. The video emphasizes the importance of faith, grace, and the influence of the Holy Spirit in the transformation of believers. It warns against falling for the lies of counterfeit gospels and encourages adherence to the truth. The video concludes with a discussion on the significance of the Sabbath and the need to keep God’s commandments. The three angels’ messages are mentioned as a warning about worshipping the beast and receiving its mark. The video cautions against adding or taking away from the words of prophecy and emphasizes the importance of repentance and turning away from sin. It encourages self-reflection and hastening to keep God’s commandments.