Establishing Daniel and the 70 Weeks – Part 3

This video features a passionate discussion about faith, prophecy, and the challenges faced by believers in today’s world. The speaker emphasizes the importance of sharing experiences and learning from one another within the church community.

Key Themes and Messages

1. Privilege of Sharing Faith

  • The speaker expresses gratitude for the opportunity to share and learn within the church community.
  • They emphasize that they do not see themselves as a pastor but as someone who has been impacted by faith and wants to share their experiences.

2. Challenges of Truth in Modern Times

  • It is mentioned that it will become increasingly difficult to tell the truth in a world that often distorts good and evil.
  • The importance of adhering to God’s law is highlighted, even when it is unpopular.

3. Perfection and Faith

  • The speaker discusses the misconception of achieving perfection through personal effort. Instead, they stress that perfection is found in Christ.
  • Historical examples are referenced, including the Reformation and the treatment of prophets, emphasizing that living out one’s faith often leads to persecution.

4. The Third Angel’s Message

  • A warning is given about the need to uphold the true message of the Third Angel, which should not be diluted.
  • The speaker encourages a return to a loud proclamation of this message rather than allowing it to be muted.

5. Ecumenical Movements

  • Concern is raised about the trend towards ecumenical movements that may dilute truth for the sake of unity.
  • The speaker urges prayer for church leaders who face challenges and pressures from various directions.

Discussion on Prophecies

6. Understanding Biblical Prophecy

  • The video delves into biblical prophecies, particularly focusing on the 70 weeks prophecy from Daniel.
  • The various interpretations by different faith groups (Catholics, Jews, Evangelicals, and Seventh-day Adventists) are discussed.

7. The 70 Weeks Prophecy

  • The prophecy is said to refer to a period of 490 years determined upon the Israelites and Jerusalem.
  • Different views are presented:
    • Catholic View: Focus on the Messiah’s Advent and the spread of the gospel.
    • Jewish View: Emphasizes the destruction of the temples and mistranslations related to this prophecy.
    • Evangelical View: Connects with future events such as the Antichrist’s arrival.

8. Common Ground Among Faiths

  • Despite differences, there is a consensus on the duration of the prophecy being 490 years.
  • The discussion encourages understanding these differences respectfully.


The speaker aims to plant seeds of understanding regarding the differences in prophetic interpretations among various religious groups. They advocate for a deeper examination of these prophecies and encourage viewers to engage in discussions about faith.