Not IF, But HOW

June 8, 2024

Series: Single Sermons

Sermon Highlights

  • The sermon focuses on the work of the Holy Spirit in transforming lives and guiding individuals toward God’s truth.
  • The pastor discusses various biblical passages, notably from Revelation and the Gospel of John, emphasizing:
    • The role of the Holy Spirit as a helper and teacher.
    • The need for individuals to remain connected to Christ (the Vine) to live fruitful lives.
    • The concept of being “perfect” as understood through the lens of God’s love and grace rather than an unattainable standard.

Community Outreach Emphasis

  • The pastor encourages congregants to reach out to inactive members and invite them back to church, emphasizing the importance of community and fellowship.
  • There is a call to create an environment where people feel welcomed and valued.

Closing Remarks

  • The service concludes with the pastor encouraging members to continue in faith, love, and community outreach, aiming to bring others back into fellowship with God.
  • The congregation is invited to participate in further activities and events planned for the future.