Repent & Return Series – Close of Probation #5

June 3, 2023

The video discusses the close of probation and the importance of being ready for the events that will take place before it happens. The speaker prays for angels to go across the Earth and find faithful people who are ready for the second Advent. The video mentions that there is both a general close of probation on humanity and an individual close of probation based on choices made while probation is still open. The concept of the close of probation is found in Revelation 22:11, which states that those who are unjust will remain unjust and those who are righteous will remain righteous when probation closes. The video also discusses the importance of being ready and watching for signs and events that indicate the close of probation, such as the formation of the image of the beast and the passing of a Sunday law. It emphasizes the need for individuals to be prepared and to receive both the former rain and the latter rain, which represent the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The video mentions that there is still an opportunity for people to make a decision and be sealed before probation closes. It warns against complacency and encourages continual progress in the Christian walk. The video also references biblical passages such as Matthew 24:36-39, Luke 19:41-44, and Jeremiah 5:21-25 to support its points about the close of probation. Additionally, it mentions the importance of the Feast of Trumpets experience and being ready for the judgment. The video highlights the need for individual readiness, as well as the importance of understanding the signs of the times and being aware of current events. It emphasizes that we are in a time of mercy but warns that there will be rapid and significant changes in the world, which should serve as a wake-up call. The video concludes by urging viewers to be prepared and not to be troubled by the events that must come to pass before the close of probation.